See bottom of page for search results.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Hey, everyone! Or nobody....!

Wow, it's been for EVER since I've posted on here.... Anyways, I have a new piece of art to show off. It's a visual piece made to accompany a written narrative. Both pieces are entitled "Fission." (You'll see why if you read the story.)

The picture is meant to be viewed after reading the essay, and the music is to be played in the background. The best way to view the image is full width, full screen, starting at the top and scrolling down little by little. I must warn you that as a full-scale piece of art, the file is fairly large (just under 9 MB) and may take a while to download.



Oh, right: the music included is the title track to CaLiFORnIAc's sophomore album, "Bridges of Gasoline." I do not take credit for its creation. Distribution of this track, as well as the essay and image, without direct written permission of the creator(s) is strictly prohibited.

The password for all three files is the same. If you would like to have it, just send me a message on Facebook, email me, text me, etc. If you don't know who I am, then why are you trying to look at my cruddy art...?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Facebook vs. Google: The Billion Dollar Battle to Be Your Default Social Profile

Here's a very good article I just found:

Facebook vs. Google: The Billion Dollar Battle to Be Your Default Social Profile

Definitely worth the read in my humble opinion. Spring break, woot woot!


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Is Math a Socialist Plot?

I just read this fantastic article given to me by a mentor from this summer. Ignore the title... Just read all the way through. It will definitely be worth your time if you care about the state of our nation's education.

Is Math a Socialist Plot?


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sorcery 101 | Strange Someone

I just finished this comic a while back. It's by the same guy who does the Sorcery 101 comic for which his domain is named. I was quite satisfied with the overall quality of the comic and writing, but the ending was absolutely terrible. I suggest simply reading all the way up until the next-to-last panel and pretending the story continues from there.

Sorcery 101 | Strange Someone


Monday, January 18, 2010

Dice Stacking - New Cup!

Here is a video of me stacking dice with my new cup. Learned this over the weekend. :)

It's just a standard blue Yahtzee cup that I got in the mail for a few bucks total, but it is SOOO much better than the crappy angled yellow cup I was using before.