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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Boids Model for Visualbots

Alright, here is my take on the Boids model as promised:

Public SwarmRange As Range, WanderRange As Range, TimeRange As Range
Public SwarmingBugs As Integer, WanderingBugs As Integer
Private Sub World1_OnSimBegin(ByVal World As World, ByVal Bugs As Bots, ByVal Cells As Cells)

World.Random.Seed = 115
World.Screen.Bounds = vbtWalled
World.Screen.Resize 900, 400
World.Screen.SetScale -1800, -800, 1800, 800
World.Screen.Color = vbBlueGray
World.Screen.FadeRate = 0.04
World.Screen.FadeMode = True

RandomLoop = 0
RandomNum = World.Random.Real(-20, 20)

Bugs.Create 100
Bugs.Shape = vbtTadpole
Bugs.Shape.FillColor = vbRed
Bugs.Shape.BorderVisible = False
Bugs.Size = 50
Bugs.Pen.Color = vbtLightBlue
Bugs.Pen.Width = 5

Bugs.Tags.Add "align"
Bugs.Tags.Add "converge"
Bugs.Tags.Add "separate"
Bugs.Tags.Add "velocity"
Bugs.Tags("velocity") = 1

Bugs.ViewField.Radius = 150
Bugs.ViewField.Span = 360
Bugs.Speed = 25

'define Excel ranges to store results
Set SwarmRange = ActiveSheet.Range("Q1")
Set WanderRange = ActiveSheet.Range("R1")
Set TimeRange = ActiveSheet.Range("S1")


SwarmRange.Value = "SwarmingBugs"
WanderRange.Value = "WanderingBugs"
TimeRange.Value = "Time"

End Sub

Private Sub World1_OnSimStep(ByVal World As World, ByVal Swarm As Bots, ByVal Cells As Cells)

Dim Bug As Bot
Dim ClosestBug As Bot
Dim Neighbors As Group
Dim TurnDirection As Double
Dim AngleToPoint As Double
'Dim RandomLoop As Integer
'Dim RandomNum As Variant
'Dim RandomChange As Variant 'for quadratic change in RandomNum
SwarmingBugs = 0
WanderingBugs = 0

'random number generator - change RandomNum every 500 steps
'uncomment this block and line 130 and Dims above.

'If RandomLoop >= 5 Then
' RandomChange = RandomChange + World.Random.Real(-20, 20)
' RandomNum = RandomChange + RandomNum
' RandomLoop = 0
' RandomLoop = RandomLoop + 1
'End If

'gather information
For Each Bug In Swarm

Set Neighbors = Bug.GroupNear
Bug.Tags("align") = 0
Bug.Tags("separate") = 0
Bug.Tags("converge") = 0

If Neighbors.Count > 1 Then
Bug.Tags("align") = Neighbors.Avg("Dir") - Bug.Dir

Set ClosestBug = Bug.Closest

If Bug.DistTo(ClosestBug) <> 100 Then
Bug.Tags("velocity") = (Bug.DistTo(Neighbors.Centroid) + Bug.DistTo(ClosestBug) * 0.5) / 20
If Bug.AngleTo(Neighbors.Centroid) > 300 And Bug.DistTo(Neighbors.Centroid) > 100 Then
Bug.Tags("velocity") = (Bug.DistTo(Neighbors.Centroid) + Bug.DistTo(ClosestBug) * 0.5) / -20
End If
End If

End If

'count, coloring, and stray behavior
' - add to SwarmingBugs and WanderingBugs variables
' - color Bug red if alone, green if in group
' - if alone, make Bug turn randomly and adjust to normal speed
If Neighbors.Count < 2 Then
Bug.Color = vbtRed
Bug.TurnRand -20, 20
Bug.Speed = 25
WanderingBugs = WanderingBugs + 1
Bug.Color = vbtBrightGreen
SwarmingBugs = SwarmingBugs + 1
End If

Next Bug

'action loop - change direction based on composite behavior
For Each Bug In Swarm
If Neighbors.Count > 1 Then
TurnDirection = Bug.Tags("align") + Bug.Tags("separate") + Bug.Tags("converge") '+ RandomNum
Bug.Turn TurnDirection
If Bug.Speed < 1000 Then
Bug.Speed = 25 + Bug.Tags("velocity")
Bug.Speed = 1000
End If
End If
Next Bug

'set the values to be used in data recording
TimeRange.Offset(World.Sim.Time).Value = World.Sim.Time
WanderRange.Offset(World.Sim.Time).Value = WanderingBugs
SwarmRange.Offset(World.Sim.Time).Value = SwarmingBugs

'move Bugs

End Sub

(In case you haven't read my previous post, this code was written for the VisualBots Excel add-in. It's completely safe, plus an easy yet powerful way to use BASIC programming.)

This is actually version 5.3. I plan to condense this a bit, get rid of the orphans, and reorganize it so I can have a v6. Enjoy!


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