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Sunday, April 12, 2009

He Is Risen!

Happy Easter to both my Christian and non-Christian readers! I hope you can all rejoice in this glorious day.

I knew before I even went to my blog to write this post that it was going to come out in a very strange way. I was looking at my good friend (let's call this one Kathleen) wearing a lovely white dress and holding a small bunch of pink flowers, and I thought to myself, "She is going to look absolutely beautiful on her wedding day." I imagined her walking down the isle, veil over her face, with the first Satie Gymnopédie playing in the background. The visualization struck me so immediately when I saw Kathleen that I was stunned for a moment by how beautiful she looked right then.

The strange thing is that I have never thought about her in that way. It was not in the least bit a sexual attraction. I haven't experienced any serious romantic connection with Kathleen at all, though there is definately the potential. It simply surprised me that I would get such an extremely strong Theta signal from my subconcious, something that has never happened to me in any form.

I intend not to take this too seriously, but I just wanted to share that strange vision with everyone.

On another topic, a lot of my ADD symptoms have been coming back. I am going to start doing my breathing exercises before school now. I might even start using an alarm clock so I have time to do such things. I'll post a detailed description of the exercise later for anybody who could use something other than medication to contain their distractive tendencies.


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