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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

In Response To 'Cellar Door' - Philosophical Ramblings

Alright, well. Well well well.

In response to some recent comments made by a friend, I feel compelled to spill out my brains concerning my personal beliefs and my soul. :D

I really do try not to have any expectations at all about the future. If my expectations are right, then I don't get any more joy than being surprised. If they're wrong, then that just makes people sad, doesn't it? I just think that since the future isn't in our hands, it shouldn't be heavy on anyone's heart. In the same way, the past should not worry anyone. I found this one out the hard way. If a person is to blame for some occurance, worrying isn't going to help anyone, especially not himself.

There's my philosophy on hope. As for my own motivation for love affairs, there is a bit to say about that too.

In order for two people to be successful in a romantic relationship, they must have a connection on four levels: spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical.

The spiritual connection is love. If there is no love, there cannot be understanding nor romance nor compromise. Nothing more to say about that. Emotional connection is the ability of two people to experience intimacy.(Not physical intimacy; emotional intimacy. We'll get to the physical part in a second.) Mental connection is the similarity and/or compatability of ideas, opinions, thought, and decision-making processes. This doesn't mean that they have to be the same; far from it. The less actions of a couple will conflict, the more of a mental connection there is. Phyiscal connectedness is a very important and intrensic part of any relationship. It is by no means what a relationship should hang on; that is why it is listed last. (That is also something I found out the hard way... d'oh!)

I have a friend, I believe his code-name is Tom, who did not approve of me feeling a connection with different women all at the same time. I think that it is quite natural to have feelings for more than one person at a time, especially during the adolescent years. However, it is not ok to act on all of those at the same time. I understand that now. I have a physical connection with a girl commonly called Chick, a spiritual connection to someone we'll codename Winde, and an emotional/mental connection with one we'll call Sara. While I have all of these connections, there is not one person who shares all four strong bonds with me in both directions. If there was, this person would be my twin flame. I suppose most people would call this a soulmate.

That's about it of my philosophy. More later, perhaps? Yeah, probably. Tune in next week for another exciting episode of "Philosophical Ramblings!"



  1. he is getting ridiculous isn't he?

  2. Well, he is just pouring out his lesser side, and for some reason chose to do it in a public blog instead of MSN messenger. Why he does not speak to me in private anymore, I do not know.


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