See bottom of page for search results.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Bureacrazy! - A Library Misadventure

A Facebook friend of mine, Sean Mills, wrote a note a while back describing a trip to the library:

I wanted to read Bill Eiland's book about Lamar Dodd, "The Truth in

I went to the library and found it, tried to check it out.

They told me I had to to go get a library card at the Main Athens Library

I went there and they said they couldn't use my Student ID, I needed some
mail to prove my residence.

I went home and got some mail, and then proceeded to show my student ID to
another librarian and got a card.

I went to the UGA library, but now the book was missing.

I asked them where it could be, they said they had 3 copies all not checked I filled out a book search request form.

I get an email a few days later, saying, "I found your book, print out this
form and come get it before the expiration date."

So, I go in and they say the don't know where it is, I will have to wait
for a manager.

I wait for a manager and he says I can't check out my book, I have to go
back to the Main Athens Library and pay $10 in the basement to get interlibrary

So, I just sat there and read the whole thing.

Lovely story, don't you think? He appropriately titled the note "Bureacrazy!" When I asked him if I could put this on Greek Fire, he responded:

Sure.. unlike the federal government I like to share information.
Incidentally, the last part of the story would be a smart move, except I AM
planning on paying that fee eventually so I can check out other books in the

Library adventures are the sweetest kind.

Make sure to check out his website,


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

New Poem


tiemblo cuando oigo su nombre
pero no me siento nada en el frío
la imagen de Vd. me llena
con un emoción estrena
un emoción que no me he sentido antes
¿solo es amistad?
¿es lujuria?
¿o es amor?

solo el tiempo lo dirá


And for those who are hispanically challenged, the translation:


i tremble when i hear your name
yet i feel nothing in the cold
the image of you fills me
with a bizzare emotion
an emotion that i've never felt before
is it only friendship?
is it lust?
or is it love?

only time will tell


There you have it, the newest amatuer poem from the mind of ROBO. Thanks to Rebecca for grammar help.


Monday, November 17, 2008

High School and College

I was having a conversation with a friend (let's call her Lucy), and we came up with a few poetic nuggets of insight into the adventurous minds of teenagers:

"Highschool is just a holding pond where we all fester in our hormones until we have wasted more time than we can handle, and then we are allowed to go to college." - me

"I want it now. I want to recreate myself. I want to be around people who don't know who the heck I am and don't care about my past. I want it to be all new and unknown and an exciting, thrilling, breathtaking way." - Lucy

To any adults who read this, take heed. This is the train of thought for many, many highschool students. Not many people get to see this side of a person. (Unless you're Edward :D )


Friday, November 14, 2008

New Cube + Petrus Solution

I bought a new cube a few days ago from an absolutely wonderful website, Great stuff. The official Rubik's Cube came today. The springs were a bit tight, so I had to lube the thing. It works fine now.

I figured that this would be a great time to try the Petrus solution again. I tried to use it with my old cube, and I found out that Lars Petrus's site is absolutely horrible. So I googled it, and up popped Not very in-depth, but his reasoning is a lot like mine so it worked out well. Sure enough, I solved the F2L in about an hour (stopping and starting due to laundry and supper). The old algorithms for the last layer work fine, so I just used those, and voila! Solved! I think it really does take a lot less moves than a layer-by-layer solution, so I'll start using the petrus from now on.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Fantastic Fruit Juice!

I absolutely adore fruit juice. It's a lot healthier than soda, tastes fantastic, and gets you your daily share of Vitamins. Here, I'm going to start a list of my favorite juices EVER. This list is not all-inclusive, but it's all that I can think of at the moment.

> White Grape Peach Juice - Just the generic Publix brand, but absolutely fantastic. Just the right intensity of peach flavour, balanced by the evenness of the white grape.

> Cantaloupe Juice - I had this for the first time in a restaurant outside of the small town of Muna in Yúcatan, Mexico. It was freshly made from only water and cantaloupe. It was slightly pulpy, but in more of a melony kind of way.

> Pinapple Juice - This is my favorite juice of all time. I had a glass for breakfast in the Phantom Horse Grill, a restaurant in the Arizona Grand in Phoenix. It had almost no noticable pulp (the way I like it), and had the exact right amount of tang with it. I believe some apple might have been mixed in with it, but I'm not sure.

> Cranberry Juice - Pretty much any cranberry juice is great, except when it is extremely tart or sweet. Combinations with cranberry juice and another juice, such as apple or grape, are also pretty tasty.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I'm an Obama fan, and I am not ashamed to say it. I wouldn't be too extremely disappointed if McCain won, but I agree the most with Obama. We had a debate in class today, and unfortunately I got verbally raped. The odds were against me, it was pretty much me against two very well-prepared and sassy McCainer girls. I also misplaced my Obama pin that was pinned to my jacket :(

Anyways, looks like Obama's gonna win so far. 263 Obama, 168 McCain, and 15 ties when this post was written. We'll see how it turns out.

Edit: Yay, he won!!!